Monday, September 24, 2012

The Mysterious Meat Concentrate Most People Know Little (or Nothing) About

For a dog food that could contain more protein than meat altogether?
Well, surprise ... in commercial dog food ... a meal quality meat may actually be a better source of digestible protein ... all the meat, it was done.
Here's why ...
Dried meat meal the final rendering of a cooking process is known. The record is a bit like making stew ... except that the stew is cooked on purpose.
And that's the whole point.
You see, the idea is to start with made a stew of meat ... no water and bake in the oven ... the rest ... What you end up with a highly concentrated protein powder better known as a meat meal.
Now take a look at the map above.
Notice how all the "ground" chicken contains about 70% water and 18% protein. But after rendering ... Chicken meal contains water, which in ... 10% and a huge 65% protein.
This is almost four times more protein per pound whole chicken!
Nutritious ingredients ... or recycled?

Of course, as you might expect ... All meat dishes are not created equal. Some are very good ... while others are downright awful.
It all depends on the contents of the pot ... Commodities. And this principle is of the utmost importance ...

No food can never be better than the raw materials that were used to.
Best meals are specific pieces of meat from animals quality. Substandard food spoiled from sources such as generic slaughterhouse waste and supermarket meat counter ... and zoo animals dead ... and worse.
I must admit ... When I started to learn about what really went into the production of dog food ... I was disgusted.
For a closer look at the dark side of the industry, read read my article ... The shocking truth about commercial dog food.How quickly identify inferior meat meal
Since manufacturers rarely disclose the true nature of the ingredients they use ... Two important rules you can avoid choosing the wrong product.
Stay away from dog food does not contain meat and bone meal that ...1.Includes the words "by-products" in its name2.Fails animal1 identify the specific source
Examples of lower meat protein ingredients. Be sure to note the names of the "generic" ...■ meat meal■ MBM■ Chicken by-product meal■ Meat and bone meal■ glands meal■ poultry meal■ blood meal
If you see ingredients like these ... it's a sign that you are looking for a dog food below. Get out of here. CLİCK

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