Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Rage, Pain, Despair? What Would You Feel If Your Dog Was Murdered?"

For a moment my mind was completely blank... and then from a dark place within me, rose a violent tempest of anger and resentment.

Rapidly it forced its way to the top of my consciousness until, almost involuntarily, my head snapped back and I bellowed a painful and frustrated wail... but alas, I was powerless to save the life of my best-friend..


Noble passed away in my arms from lethal injection at 3:46pm on a Wednesday afternoon - the saddest day of my life.

An innocent victim of dog-food poisoning.

PLEASE, don't let this tragic story become your own!

You should never have to stand over the dead & diseased body of your own sweet dog because companies spending millions of dollars each year to get your trust, are simultaneously taking your money and selling you poison, knowingly!

I've spent the past 3 years researching the truth about commercial dog food and proper canine health and nutrition.

This is the terrifying truth I discovered...

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