Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dog Training Basics is the key to driving Leader

To be leading the herd is very important to train your pet. For dogs to follow the natural hierarchical structure to training your dog to respond to a dominant position over your dog is required to create. The dogs are in their relationship and community as a member of the herd, they will see. There are the leaders of the herd and the dogs themselves, of course, on the road in this release and shows leaders and leadership in the light of the advances. Communication with their pets than other animals that are together as family members of the herd. Natural instinct of a dog that big a factor in education is not easy.

Dog owners and leadership training in logic, with lots of use. By showing your dog that you're sürününlideri can help you to follow and respect. Therefore listen to what you say and will be easier to implement.

The dog is the leader of the herd, there are different ways to be certain. This technique and its position within the family dog will be certain limits. What is it to be the leader of that lot that you want your dog does not mean you can do anything. to be the boss does not show that you are the leader. Experts, who should know your dog to stand on 3 important factors. These stability, respect and iterator.

If the stability and confidence in your leadership and your dog if you have the idea of the leader, you will be respected and obeyed. We constantly monitor changes in the action will follow. Sometimes the discrepancies in movement and behavior, dogs can cause surprise and challenge you. Create your dog behavior disorder that can cause bewilderment. Therefore it is important to be consistent in your every move. This situation also applies to dog training collars and equipment.

Respect, be in awe of his is different. Sincerely, reward and punishment be set to an appropriate, fair and consistent, your dog a treat is to sit with the timing. According to the error made when the error penalty, awarded the prize should be given a suitable job when it is achieved.

Leadership to reinforce your dog as süreki and leaders are to specify that you are over him, and if you need to exhibit behavior. Never do you allow it to act to arrogant superiority. When you go walking in your front or side to allow you to go by. Furthermore, do not let you check. So instead, check it for fit to mention
Flea control and flea prevention
Pets multiple steps to combat infection consists of a flea. Most of the animals on adult flea spend time. In the form of eggs and larvae is pirei more grass, carpets, rugs, beds are found in areas such as.

Your cat or dog caught her on a flea, in your home or hundreds of eggs in your garden that is the indicator. Therefore, a radical solution think flea to combat not only your pet, your environment will need to consider.

Following a successful flea-fighting process includes these steps:

1. Off the field, to be disposed of pirei
2. Be disposed of in open field pirei
3. Clear the over pet pirei
4. Not prevent the development of the adult flea

Flea control products in the undeveloped, which prevents the development of the calf pirei chemicals, insect growth regulators and their combinations are available. The products should be used, the type of flea, spreading status, number, pet's age, environmental factors, around other animals and special family needs (allergic, asthma, age, etc.) depend.

Off the field, fighting pirei

Environmental factors can not be ignored any flea control program successful. Off the field, fighting pirei, vacuum cleaning, remaining to be disposed of flea adults and preventing immature stages of the development of flea covers. Employment of your cat / dog when you frequently spend time, to sleep, play games by sweeping the place to start. 50% of flea eggs clean with vacuum cleaner to clean. This process will need to do once per day. After cleaning using the dust bag and a plastic garbage bag placed at the.

For adults to use drugs pirei any development that prevents flea eggs to the effective and should be kind. These drugs carpet powder, and spray sisleme to 3 kinds of styles.

Sisleme, suitable for wide area, and smoke / fog in the form of the drug is used in the implementation pireli region. Sisleme and Spray, difficult to reach areas facilitates the implementation of medication. Spray and the use of drugs for sisleme examine the damage and to get people is very important. For this type of medication from your veterinarian and should receive support from a professional cleaning company.

If your dog has his own bed this week in an ir kerz wash and dry after disinfection with etmelisiniz.Otomobilinizi medication, your garage and your cat / dog or you frequently spend time cleaning the area and should make medicines.

External environment flea control

Foreign media cleaning, your pet spends time outside the home in the area include the cleaning process. Pirei moist, warm, shaded, and organic waste in the region like. Garbage tenekerliene region near the kennel, where flea development, such as the balcony and living areas are suitable for.

Development in areas appropriate to Piraeus first organic waste (food waste, etc.) if you need to clear. This situation will disrupt the flea's life space. In this area for cleaning and flea sprayleme methods you can use sisleme. This cleaning operation should be done during 7 to 21 days. Use of the drug to the underground water, rivers and streams must guarantee not to interfere.

Flea control for your pet

After your pet medicines, or after washing with flea shampoo, flea still alive to see is normal. Flea control is a process time-consuming. Animals detected on your phone, you can do to clean and treat spray, dust, flea medication use, be given oral medication, flea collars and powders, such as medicines. Piraeus, it is not applicable to practice medicine is not right to expect them to die. Is absorbed by the flea medication is applied and the process will be completed.

The best way to keep animals away from the flea, the flea to prevent bulşamasını. Giving medicine regularly for internal and external parasites of vaccines and tablets given time is important.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


WEIGHT: 35-55 pounds
HEIGHT: 19-24 inches
COAT: Medium-short, harsh, straight; tail plumed
COLOR: White with large markings in either black, brown or red; browns and black, with or without white markings
OTHER NAMES: Kelef K'naani
GROUP: Southern

The Canaan Dog has witnessed the birth of the world's greatest religions—Judaism, Islam and Christianity—and has followed the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth and other Biblical prophets. Queen Jezebel is reputed to have had one of these dogs tied to her throne with a golden chain. They survived long years in the desert, longer even than the travail of Moses and his people. Some hunted with the Bedouins and herded their flocks; others were guards for the Druze on Mount Cannel. Cave drawings as far back as 2200 BC depict dogs resembling the modern Canaan.
When the Jewish people returned to the Promised Land in the 1930s, they discovered pariahs, living fossils, existing like the Dingoes of Australia in a feral state. These dogs were scavengers, surviving despite the hardships of intense heat and a scarcity of water and food. A definite "wild dog" pack order existed. Females left the pack to have their young either in a cave or a "dugout," returning to communal living when the pups were about seven months of age.In the late 1930s, Dr. Rudolphina Menzel, an Israeli canine authority originally from Germany, was asked to develop a dog for guarding the kibbutz. She and her husband, also a doctor, had observed the pariahs and noted several varieties: TYPE 1 is a heavier bodied dog, somewhat resembling the flock guards, with a double-coat. TYPE 2 still has the double-coat and often a tail that tends to curl over the back, but he is lighter in body. This type has a vague resemblance to the northern dogs as well as the Dingo.
Still lighter in build and with a short smooth coat is the TYPE 3 (the so-called collie-type) pariah, which, when redomesticated, became the Canaan Dog. The TYPE 4 dog has the appearance of the sighthound, with more raciness and narrowing of the head and body. The wild Type 4 is nearly identical to the Portuguese Podengo and very similar to the Ibizan Hound.
Dr. Menzel cultivated the collie type, starting with "£)ugma," meaning model or sample, and established the Canaan breed. Although capturing Dugma was a six-month challenge, once enticed to civilization, he was redomesticated with amazing ease.
The Canaan Dogs rose to high favor, due partly to their intelligence and high trainability. They served as sentry dogs and messengers and aided the Red Cross. During World War II, Dr. Menzel trained over 400 for mine detection. Her post-War efforts achieved recognition for the breed as a guide for the blind. They are popular dogs in their native country as companions and guards.

Typical of the group, they tend to be aloof. Although they are devoted to their families, they maintain a strong flight reflex, "the highly developed caution toward humans that had allowed her [the breed] to survive in its native land for thousands of years." When confronted with a new or bewildering situation, such as a change in homes, dogs may bolt. Pursuit by well-meaning people seems to puzzle rather than frighten them. They are innately capable of caring for themselves in such a situation. In today's world of multi-lane, fast-moving traffic and dog-control laws, strong measures should be taken to prevent such an occurrence.
Canaans at play are a joy to watch, "boxing" and stalking one another and "talking" back to each other and their families. These dogs first entered the States in 1965. In just a few years, the Canaan has established type and a strong national club. The breed's Israeli standard includes a section on character, indicating that mistrust (of outsiders), endurance, readability and tractability are all very high. The Canaan Dog is a member of both the AKC and CKC Miscellaneous Classes
Today their versatility lends them to many tasks: herding, alerting and tracking, making them in demand for sheep dog trials, search-and-rescue, and obedience competition. Their sturdiness enables them to work into their teens.
Owners agree—they do bark, one of their guard attributes. In close proximity, barking can be a problem, and this natural tendency must be curtailed.

COUNTRY: Great Britain
WEIGHT: 13-14 pounds
HEIGHT: 9V2-10 inches
COAT: Rough, wire
COLOR: Any color except white
GROUP: Terrier

The Cairn is a native of the western highlands of Scotland as well as the Isle of Skye, part of the Hebrides Islands, north of Scotland. The breed owes its name and its existence to the pile of rocks erected to identify a boundary or mark a grave. These cairns became favorite hiding places for foxes and other pests, A small but game terrier was needed to go into the cairns and rout out the vermin. The lairds of Scotland kept packs of the tousy terriers for hunting and extermination purposes.
This breed's history is parallel to that of the Skye, the West Highland White and the Scottish Terriers and goes back about 500 years. From a large variety of types in various locales, four distinct breeds slowly emerged: the Cairn, Skye, Westie and Scottie. When the Cairns were first exhibited in 1909, they were called Short-haired Skyes. This produced a howl from the Skye fanciers, resulting in the name Cairn.
Bursting with energy and a joy of life, the Cairn is independent in nature and intently curious, requiring firm instructions. Their terrier nature implores them to dig—whether in a burrow or a flower bed makes no difference to them.
The Cairn has been a neat, compact, cheerful and alert companion since the 1500s. These attributes have made them the favorite terrier in Great Britain, bringing them the honor of being called "the best little pal in the world" by the British Cairn Terrier Club. They reached American shores in 1913, where they have enjoyed a sensible middle-of-the-road status. The breed's sturdiness serves them in good stead as a child's dog.
The short muzzle and erect ears give the breed a keen expression. Its moderately short tail is carried gaily. Ring presentation calls for some "tidying up," since the Cairn's shaggy coat gives the dog a tousled appearance, much like "Toto" in The Wizard ofOz.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


WEIGHT: 1-6 pounds
COAT: Short and smooth; or long and soft with fringing
COLOR: Any color
GROUP: Southern

The Chinese have long practiced the art of dwarfing animals, plants and fish. It is believed that Spanish traders traveled through Mexico on their returns from China and left behind some of their canine acquisitions. These, crossed with the native hairless breeds, made up the modern Chihuahua, which is the smallest dog in the world. Other cynologists have stated he is just a miniaturized version of native pariah dogs. His similarity to the small Podengo of Portugal (another dwarf pariah) is singular.
The tiny dogs may have been named for the State of Chihuahua in Mexico, and many tales lend belief of their existence there. No concrete evidence has been found to prove this theory; in fact, more recent research has provided evidence to the contrary. Explorers reporting the exis-tence of dogs called the Techichi are now believed to have described a "prairie dog" type of rodent, which the natives "raised, castrated and ate." These little "dogs" lived in holes in the ground.
Whatever their beginnings, Chihuahuas first came to prominence in Mexico City around 1895', reaching El Paso, Texas, shortly thereafter. Dog lovers in the USA refined and perfected the little dog of Mexico—and soon the breed was listed as the top toy in the States. He has maintained his appeal as a companion dog.
The long-coated version was probably produced in the USA, crossing smooth Chihuahuas with other toys like the Papillon, Pomeranian and so on.
Their tiny bodies hide large hearts, making them a favorite for the elderly and those in apartments. They are playful and graceful, with large ears emphasizing their alert appearance. Due to their tiny size (some as small as one pound!), they are not the choice for rowdy families or outdoor living. Breeding and health problems are accentuated in the tiniest specimens. The mollera, or open soft spot on the top of the skull, is usually found in the majority of Chihuahuas and is allowed by the standard.